We're transforming post-consumer & industrial wastes into solutions for green infrastructure
We work with brilliant thought leaders and internationally known organizations to make valuable, planet-saving materials from industrial and post-consumer wastes - and we do it with the power of Silica - the second most abundant compound on earth.

We're Remediating Decades of Disastrous Disposal Practices.
Created from waste streams themselves, our proprietary materials can absorb and sequester contaminants from earth, air, and water. This gives us the capability to restore habitat and turn brownfields into green, productive landscapes.

We epitomize the very concept of circularity, creating value from waste, that contributes to a healthy and sustainable environment.
Silica + AI
Importantly, and unlike other approaches, WastePoint helps create solutions that are economically desirable, short and long-term.
We rely on Geomimicry techniques to engineer solutions

Our philosophy?
We believe that humankind has the power to overcome any challenge. Positive diligence, combined with creativity will continue to allow us to discover solutions to environmental, ecological, and economic challenges facing us and future generations.
We also believe in strong relationships with like-minded partners – nothing spectacular has ever been accomplished in a vacuum.