We're working toward a brighter future, with multiple projects underway.
Advancing Synthetic Magmatics & Geo-Engineered Materials
The natural evolution of GEMs has us constantly seeking new fabrication pathways and materials to reduce the embodied energy and production cost of novel formulations. At this point, the low-hanging fruit is our baseline formulation which converts post-industrial and consumer wastes into high-value products using considerably less energy than is required to create them from scratch. GEMs are green and efficient, and improving every day.
Blue Barrier ™
Reactive seawater concrete barriers with self-healing and post-pozzolanic mineralization features. Ultradurable solutions to sea level rise, and storm surge that double as bio-habitat. Requires no steel reinforcement.
Contact us to purchase, and for quotes and services.
Let Silica-X show you how to turn your waste into valuable resources and planet-saving materials. Whether Blue Barrier, GEMs, or WastePoint.ai, we have a solution for your enterprise.